Shell scripts
From Igor personal wiki
Pass file content as a command line arguments
./ $(cat mycmds.txt)
The $(xyz) construct runs xyz then uses its standard output to construct that part of the command.
Endless loop:
#!/bin/bash while true do curl "" sleep 1 done
History without line numbers
$ history | cut -c 8-
Killing all ssh sessions
kill $(ps --ppid 1241 -o pid h)
where --ppid 1241 -- your sshd proccess id.
Self updating centos script
# vi /etc/cron.daily/self_update #!/bin/sh if [[ "$HOSTNAME" == y??0?centos?tmpl* ]]; then /usr/bin/yum update -y > /var/log/self_update.log 2>&1 else /bin/rm -v /etc/cron.daily/self_update > /var/log/self_update.log 2>&1 fi exit 0 # chmod u+x,g+x,o+x /etc/cron.daily/self_update
/usr/bin/rsync --delete --progress -havze 'ssh -i /home/automation/.ssh/id_dsa' --rsync-path="sudo /usr/bin/rsync" /opt/software automation@
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