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Performance checks

History of CPU load

sh processes cpu history

Current cpu load by process

sh processes cpu

Very often process ios-base taking more then 30% of CPU To see the details of process:

sh processes cpu detailed  16406

Verify often RACL could cause a huge load, to check do:

sh processes cpu detailed  16406 | i RACL

Memory utilization:

sh processes memory


sh processes memory sorted

or show memory usage by process

sh processes memory 1245

Check VRFs

 sh ip vrf 

Check ip adresses used by device

sh ip interface brief

check routing global and within VRF Global:

sh ip route
sh ip route static
sh ip route bgp
sh ip route ospf

Details on particular net route (subnet routing) sh ip route

to verify?

ip prefix-list test deny le 32 
ip prefix-list test deny le 32 
ip prefix-list test deny le 32 
ip prefix-list test permit le 32


BGP graceful failover

Normal Configuration[edit]

This puts rofe01 primary for receiving and sending packets.

!rofe01                        rofe02
route-map to-Bell permit 101    route-map to-Bell permit 101
match ip address 101            match ip address 101
set metric 50                |  set metric 100
set local-preference 200     |  set local-preference 100
!                            |  set as-path prepend 36068

Manually Failover to Another Router[edit]

  1. Reverse the metric, local-preference and AS path prepending configurations.
  2. Execute: clear bgp NEIGHBOR_IP soft * in. Since the Route Refresh feature is supported by both peers, this will be seamless.

Configuration Parameters[edit]

  • metric: sent over for inbound traffic preference to the provider
  • as-path prepend: also sent over for inbound traffic preference to the provider, the longer the AS path is, the least preferred the route will be
  • local-preference: only used locally to direct outbound traffic